
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Proposing songs to slow dancing.

Inledningen av Presidentkampanjen i ett nötskal.
Svea sjunger Roberta Flacks eller Fugees "Killing me softly with his song" och KSP sjunger Lionel Ritchies "Hello".


"Discrimination is the actual behavior towards another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to other groups."

Be fine for the refined.

A government of the people by the people and for the people cannot perish from this Earth and leave their people and their state in bankruptcy and blame it on the financial crisis. Nor can it leave its people in debts to the State Electricity Board because of the harsh winter. They should know what nation they are working for and with whom they have done their business and that at the expense of the tax payers. Especially knowing what it takes to run the nation in every weather in their part of the world. Unless they are aliens and fostered at the YWCA and the YMCA on how to rip a nation off its assets, as anywhere else in the world and leaving it in a state of insolvency.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ones and Zeroes

...a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its very simplicity and the great ease which it lent to all computations put our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions..

0 may be called zero, oh, null, nil, nothing, or nought, dependent on dialect and context as love comes of lóeuf like a 0 which may be called zero, oh, null, nil, "o" or nought, dependent on dialect and context as is an egg the biggest cell in a feminine human body and very much disabled, fragile, helpless, impotent, incapable, ineffective and weak like a lifeless and stillborn natural number, a 'worthless fellow', an "arithmetical nothing", represented by the absence of a knot or bond in the appropriate position of the womans womb, a check box, where in most contexts no assignment has been done.
Only one like a sperm cell can bring life to 0, One that may be called 1 dependent on dialect and context as 1 like a tick can stick to suck the blood of the host feministic egg cell, according to the privileged knowledge and secret codes, one coming from the masculine human body and is very much potent, effective, powerful, forceful, almighty, authoritative, ball of fire, cogent, commanding, compelling, convincing, dominant, dynamic, efficacious, forcible, full-bodied, go-getter, great, gutsy, impressive, influential, lusty, mighty, persuasive, powerhouse, puissant, punchy, robust, spanking, stiff, strong, sturdy, telling, thrusting, trenchant, useful, vigorous.....

Relations count - not love

There is no love that keeps the planets in position in the solar system. It is the mutual relations to each other depending on their properties and qualities. If these relations come into a state of imbalance the Earth may lose its position and may not be able to maintain its life preserving properties and qualities. There is of course a void and a vacuum and emptiness between the planetarian bodies, but it does not effect the laws of relativity between them and it has no life sustaining abilities. On the contrary, outer space is deadly for every form of life as extreme void can make one breathless.

Pulling communication to the simple things

People see things differently:
Dividing by zero...allows you to prove, mathematically, anything in the universe. You can prove that 1+1=42, and from there you can prove that J. Edgar Hoover is a space alien, that William Shakespeare came from Uzbekistan, or even that the sky is polka-dotted, that Winston Churchill was a carrot or a chimney or that Jesus is of another world - that so called heaven - and all the collects to his churches are transferred to that other world, to his numbered accounts in Switzerland, Helvetia from the endonym Helvetii derived from the root elw that is seen in Welsh, meaning "gain" or "profit"; or simply Helvetet.

Religious rites of making wealth selling empty talk.

"How can nothing be something?", leading to Christian arguments about the nature and existence of love, as...a fine and wonderful refuge of the divine spirit – almost an amphibian between being and non-being. Well they surely know what they are talking about, because it is all about emptiness - something that really does not exist because love is naught.

Imbalance in exchange

The importance of the creation of the zero mark can never be exaggerated. This giving to airy nothing, not merely a local habitation and a name, a picture, a symbol. But helpful power, is the characteristic of the Hindu race from whence it sprang. It is like coining the Nirvana into dynamos. No single mathematical creation has been more potent for the general on-go of intelligence and power. Making the ignorant generate labour forces and giving them nothing in return for their effort - bacause they are low casted.


The point about zero is that we do not need to use it in the operations of daily life. No one goes out to buy zero fish or give away oneself for zero returns. It is in a way the most civilized of all the cardinals, and its use is only forced on us by the needs of cultivated modes of thought - called religion.

Zero simplicity

...a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its very simplicity and the great ease which it lent to all computations put our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions.

An "arithmetical nothing".

Addition: x + 0 = 0 + x = x.
Subtraction: x − 0 = x and 0 − x = −x.
Multiplication: x · 0 = 0 · x = 0.
Division: 0 ⁄ x = 0,

Zero, void and emptiness

The sum of zero and a negative number is negative.
The sum of zero and a positive number is positive.
The sum of zero and zero is zero.
The sum of a positive and a negative is their difference; or, if their absolute values are equal, zero.
A positive or negative number when divided by zero is a fraction with the zero as denominator.
Zero divided by a negative or positive number is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as numerator and the finite quantity as denominator.
Zero divided by zero is zero.
Zero is not a number.