
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Presidency - an introduction to Serve and Protect

In short, the roots of the modern police force come from a perceived need for social control. To serve and protect has for long been entirely private or community based.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Grant(h): In the The Sikhsth Fields

The Grant(h) is The Sikhsth Potential to put or tie loose ends to their True Senses. A Granthi is thus One of Five who relates to put or tie loose ends to their True Senses. Where You have True Five, You have Sikhsth. That is Goodness.
The Grant(h) is not the written nor the spoken word. The Grant(h) is not a literary nor an audiovisuell presentation. The Grant(h) does not express itself in flavours of taste nor in odours of scent. The Grant(h) is not sensations of touch impressions.
The Grant(h) is the Sikhsth Potential in the Mind (Temple) of Every Living Being in its True Senses and Time. Each Primary Connection of the Five Senses to the Mind (Temple) is a Granthi. The Pauri (Ladder) is the Spine and the Loki (Culture) and Bohli (Language) schemes make the Peripheral Nervous System. ( Relate to the The Sikhsth Fields,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Matter Transformation in Continuous Streams.

The Preservation of Existing Conditions pertaining to Measures and Finances of Matters and Affairs.
KSP Politics and Economics based on the Currency Regulations, Dealings and Restrictions for Foreign Exchange Holdings.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Quality of Life as a Reflection of the Measure of Currency

In KSP We Trust - Designing The Flow of the Official Currency of Upsala Land - ULC.