
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Catch the ULHC - PHERO - KSP - 2019 bug.

They made a study of a kneeling nude. The nude was regarded as the ultimate test of artistic skill. The nude was wearing a pinkish-beige colour. He called it the nude tights. (to be continued) 

For a good BBB say your “Stay with me” at dusk and “Try me for the day” at dawn.

With a good refreshing start every morning, nothing can go wrong. Make the world a better place to live in. For that, we all need a good bed to sleep a good night in, (say your rae ras); a good bug to sleep with during the good night and a good breakfast to share with the good bug in the good bed every good morning, (say your asa ji di var).

We have had some good reviews. For the good quality of life. “Good! The more people the better”, they said. It is good to see you again. The streets are filling up with people looking for a good time. Showing kindness and they say to each other, “It was very good of you to come”. The sky is pleasant to look at; attractive. Giving very good pleasure, a lot of good satisfaction and enjoyable are the good fireworks. Now is the good time to have a really good clear-up.

Have a good look around. Around midnight we will all have a good long hug. It will be good and dark by then. The good wheel of time is turning. It just goes on and on. It is not really time which is turning, it is the good earth that is rotating. A good word used in conjunction with the name of good God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger is Good heavens! It is already 2019! But there is no God. Goodness if you want. A good reason to follow the true path of your good nature; of the Sikhsth Order. It is another good day and another good year. Be good and obedient to good rules or good conventions. 

Accustom the good child to being rewarded for good behaviour. And there is a good chance that we may be able to help and likely to provide goodness. To make the boy a good man very like your good self, in fact. And the girl, the good lady of the house like your good self, good woman. To be welcomed without any good qualification, all to the good.

 They are our good future. “Do good my good boy and my good girl”, they say. In goodness, act very virtuously, especially by helping others do good. Make a helpful, good contribution to a good situation. Could the discussion do any good? And take something good in good part; not be offended by something good. Fulfil a good promise or a good claim. Put a good word for someone good; words in good version of a recommendation or being in defence of that good person. Make something good and compensate for good loss, good damage, or good expense. You are good if you can afford good. And you will have good children as good as gold; extremely well and good behaved. Do not forget, do someone good. Be beneficial to someone good, especially to their good health. Take a good walk. The walk will do you good. To the good ladies, say, “Be good to go. Be ready or prepared for something good. Slip on a good bright pair of pumps and you are good to go”. And to the good men, “Make good, be successful. In due course, without any haste”. For a good cause in order to benefit a worthy charity and a good goal. Keep repeating, “Be good and successful”. For it is all to raise good money for a good cause. Come up with and deliver the goods they expect of you. Be so good as or be just good enough to do something good to make a polite good request such as, “Would you be so good as to answer me when I am talking good to you?” Do what is expected of you to be good or required of you to be good. I am as good as done for this good year - 2018. Very nearly done with good. Good! If we pass on the good information, everyone good will be as good as everyone else who is good. For it is all too good to the good, to be welcomed without a good qualification, but to be good. 2018 was a good year and 2019 will also be a good year. Perhaps a better year. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Years 1 For Presidency - Now published

Play your Wild Card . Use the blank ballot.
Wild Card gives an opportunity to enter a game without having to take part in qualifying matches or be ranked at a particular level on a list.
Join the Game of the Wild Park in one of the five Nordic National Conservation Areas. 
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I am KSP.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

In the season of the student cap.

The government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.
Because failure in the war on poverty discredits democracy in an instance or application of bureaucracy with an elite of bureaucrats just as religion misleads the public when their convictions are overturned and overtuned on a false technicality.
For technicalities are the specific details or terms belonging to a particular field.
It is a point of law or a small detail of a set of rules as contrasted with the intent or purpose of the rules.
The state of being technical is in the use of technical terms or methods within the extreme technicality of the proposed constitution.The state of being technical is in the use of technical terms or methods within the extreme technicality of the proposed constitution.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

For a personal President