
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The more we think, the more we know that we have the flavours on toast.

As is natural taste active, deciding, choosing, changing, arranging; in which the health of time is now conserved; the "faculty or sense by which the flavour of all things is discerned, calls to a gathering of people to raise their glasses and drink together. A last flavoured sip for the year just running out and a sip for every months flavour of the coming year.
Turn, turn the wheel of time and call it 2015 — just for a year.

Friday, December 26, 2014

2015 - When looking for a mate.

A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases or decreases with time. Scientists hypothesise that bird songs have evolved through sexual selection, and experiments suggest that the quality of a bird song may be a good indicator of fitness. Bird vocalisation includes both bird calls and bird signals. Communication through bird calls can be between individuals of the same species or even across species. The alarm calls of most species, on the other hand, are characteristically high-pitched, making the caller difficult to locate. In a linear chirp, the instantaneous frequency f(t) varies linearly with time:
f(t) = fo + k t
In an exponential chirp, the frequency of the signal varies exponentially as a function of time:
f(t) = fo k^t

When looking for a mate, the male red-capped manakin snaps his wings and dances on a branch to catch a female's eye. A bird nerd rarely gets the girl. Just ask an avian Casanova — the manakin. There are over 50 species of this showy little bird, and they all go full out to court the ladies. At breeding time, the brightly coloured males stake out a staging area called a lek-the bird equivalent of a singles bar. A branch serves as the dance floor. The act isn't all snazzy steps. Sound is just as important. 

The buzzes, whirrs and snaps may catch a lady's eye, but the noise also warns other males — back off, she's mine. And if all else fails, show some leg. The competition is so fierce that only alpha males will mate. Now that makes zero-one dating look much more easy.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

You are not with Me

K;20;Dalarnas län;31;Rättvik;00;Rättvik;0;Uppsamlingsdistrikt;KSP-röst på Kuldip Singh;1

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Count down to zero

KSP investing in a learning environment - especially Mathematics. Just Play the Game and I will be President.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


With the intention to treat, taking the field, to achieve a goal. The change in sense arises from any practice.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Shit Happens - Even to The Gracious

Everyone is Full of Shit. Your Presidential Gastroenterologist, Urologist or Gynaecologist can explain.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

In Preparation @upsala

This is an opportunity for it is the time for a person or a thing that was put to the test.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Just Play the Game !

Having fenced a piece of land to all the game, wild and tame, made mankind the first civil society.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Run the peoples vote !

That social contract is the operation of law because just as people relate to things they relate to other people.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Make a statement !

The state of being is universal for all living as well as non living things. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Join the Club !

“Get together for the game of clubbing, to beat the opponents over the head with the Club fist”, as they said.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Reproduction without fertilisation is unknown.

If all goes well, her lips will part in a smile and there will be a lot of kissing before he parts from her again.