
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 - Wishing You a very Prosperous Year

The major obstacles for economic growth are a limitation of stores and stocks for export, natural catastrophies and the distance to the international markets.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Good Wheeling and Hibernation

The fact that everything on the northern hemisphere comes to a fall in autumn (from september equinox to november 18) and to a start in spring (from march equinox to may 14) and the other way round on the southern hemisphere, the "asa heathens" (in reference to the sun) invite to a midwinter festival as the last celebration before the Deep Winter to have a Good Wheel with the intention to endure another round of Time. Their Saga describes their Actions in Time and Reactions to the changes of Climate that correspond to the Life style of a Bear as an entirely natural and a secular way of living. Bears (in origin from an adjective meaning "brown" ) feed themselves well from early spring to late autumn and are known for their autumn behaviour saving large amounts of nuts and fermented fruits and making a den in shelters such as caves and burrows, together with almost all kinds of different living species, for a long period of hibernation to pass the winter. It is a lifestyle significant to the time of nine months that it takes for a Phytotron, such as a female belly womb, to deliver a living organism and take to rest for three months before beginning another reproductive cycle of her Phytotron. Thus, a year that cognates to jaar or år, is originally that which makes a complete cycle from the verbal meaning to do and to make which is to honour the hora pertaining to a year, a season, a day, an hour or any other part of the year and time to generate living species.
We have no religion. We are ethnic heathens.
In the Cloud of the Unknowing

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Invention of Light when Darkness falls.

With Yule comes Yuletide and Yule-time to celebrate a Pagan Winter Festival and to burn the Yule Log to make the mood for a Yule Song and to roast the catch of a Boar at the Wild Hunt on Winter Solstice.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In a culture of the swift and the standard

PHERO is established in the flow of all things as much is based in the art of making the right judgement of things.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Phero Smooth - Nice.

PHERO is the common sense realisatation of a subconcious manner making a Sport in its Social context very good sense.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No game can end in a deuce, no set can end in a tie, no match can end in a draw and no tournament can have more than one champion.

Jag skall vänta tills alla har positionerat sig inför valet. Sedan skall jag sätta mig i "Bulldozern"* och schakta bort allt motstånd, inklusive högheterna och de andliga, till en transit förvaring. KLDP SNGH FR PRSDNT. Nu är de på sin vakt. För att de tror att jag vill dem något. Bara för att jag tycker att man skall tillåta snöbolls krig på skolgården under ordnade former. Eftersom det är bra träning för barn och ungdomar som skall bli idrottare. Dessutom får de vara ute i den friska luften på rasterna. KLDP SNGH FR PRSDNT. Jag har alltid sagt att en idrottare kan ta väl hand om nationen som någon annan. Vid jämna föreställningar är det en fördel om de kan sjunga också för att göra sin röst hörd. Publiken vill veta deras mening om hur barn och ungdomar skall utvecklas och bli nationens skötare, vårdare och väktare av bollen på hemmaplan som försvarspelare. Internationellt kunna vara framåtsträvande anfallsspelare och målgörare. Med kompetenta landslagsspelare blir det även möjligt att få till stånd en idrotts stat. KLDP SNGH FR PRSDNT.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Presidency - an introduction to Serve and Protect

In short, the roots of the modern police force come from a perceived need for social control. To serve and protect has for long been entirely private or community based.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Grant(h): In the The Sikhsth Fields

The Grant(h) is The Sikhsth Potential to put or tie loose ends to their True Senses. A Granthi is thus One of Five who relates to put or tie loose ends to their True Senses. Where You have True Five, You have Sikhsth. That is Goodness.
The Grant(h) is not the written nor the spoken word. The Grant(h) is not a literary nor an audiovisuell presentation. The Grant(h) does not express itself in flavours of taste nor in odours of scent. The Grant(h) is not sensations of touch impressions.
The Grant(h) is the Sikhsth Potential in the Mind (Temple) of Every Living Being in its True Senses and Time. Each Primary Connection of the Five Senses to the Mind (Temple) is a Granthi. The Pauri (Ladder) is the Spine and the Loki (Culture) and Bohli (Language) schemes make the Peripheral Nervous System. ( Relate to the The Sikhsth Fields,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Matter Transformation in Continuous Streams.

The Preservation of Existing Conditions pertaining to Measures and Finances of Matters and Affairs.
KSP Politics and Economics based on the Currency Regulations, Dealings and Restrictions for Foreign Exchange Holdings.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Quality of Life as a Reflection of the Measure of Currency

In KSP We Trust - Designing The Flow of the Official Currency of Upsala Land - ULC.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

La KSP travaillera à promouvoir la réalisation d'une Académie nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts á Upsala.

Gång- och cykel stigen* från Artillerigatan/Dag Hammarskölds Väg ner till Sjukhus Vägen, förbi Svettis och Flustret fram till Islands Bron kan bli Upsalas Avenue des Arts med plats för det framtida Moderna Konst Museet insprängt i åshöjden mellan Kung J´ans väg och gång- och cykelstigen* och huvud ingången för besökare från gång- och cykelstigen vid åsens sluttning mot Psykiatriska Kliniken på Akademiska Sjukhuset.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To Preside

The House for such Leadership and Administration is a Presidency which as a Hardware System is a Package with all its emptiness and hopelessness of a Rock or a Steel Construction or of Wood, however not meaningless or senseless. By filling it with a Software, it is made complete to give it a Purpose to Perform.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Aha! Ging Gang förstår!

Biologi Magistern har noterat att äntligen har det gått upp för Ging Gang - att Mirri är ett Mensverk och Hennes Mensvärk gör henne påmind om att Hon är levande och att Pirri är ett Huvudverk och Hans Huvudvärk gör honom påmind om att Han är levande. Dock menar Magistern att man skall vara försiktig med att dra samma slutsatser med Växtverk och Växtvärk när det gäller Ekonomisk Tillväxt i olika Offentliga eller Privata Verk eftersom då handlar det om en Samhällsekonomisk modell vilket i regel medför ingen Organisk Tillväxt på samma sätt som vid exempelvis en Graviditet, eller en Organisk Tillväxt av Oekonomiska Avfallsvolymer i ändtarmen vid förstoppning, för att kunna känna av Värkarna som ett tecken på att Något/Någon är levande.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Tempel is not for Worship

Upsala - a Club House as is a Country Club a Temple not for worship but for Meeting to make Dialogues among the Living Present in a Timely Space.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Principerna för naturen är eviga

Upsala - an academy of a silent district defining the differance between a garden and nature:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Upsala- never seizing to seek that steady state of equilibrium.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coming up soon.

Why fight in deception, with empty talk for a religion in Uppsala when I have a Party, a whole World and a Universe at UPSALA?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Sikhsth Temple

The Sikhsth Temple is where the bodys five senses meet to converse. As is the brain housed inside the temples and connects impulses from different parts of the body.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Landscaping Upsala

and ULHC as a playground of learning and enterprising for the communitys well-being.
The ULHC input from a past into the present results into an output for a future in order to develope and mature as a whole.

The Sikhsth Universe

The Sikhsth Universe City is Natures Garden - Not a grave yard and definitely not a church.
It is the basis for the well-being of all existing life, without regard to government revenues, corporate profits, religious belief and their scriptures, etc etc, or a hereafter.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sikhsth - Humi, down to earth living.

There is a life one is born with and one that allows it to make choices.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Upsala - the germ

Without whose interest and encouragement this land would not have been formed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Det bästa och enklaste sättet att förebygga smittspridning är god handhygien

The use of soap and warm running water to wash the hand thoroughly is necessary, including under the fingernails . The wet lathered hands should be rubbed together for at least 20 seconds, before rinsing thoroughly in water and then drying with a clean or disposable towel.
N.B. Turn off the water and open the exit door with a dry paper towel when using any public washroom.