
Yttrandefrihet omfattar rätten att yttra och föra fram åsikter utan censur, begränsning eller någon typ av bestraffning.
"Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser".
"Denna rätt innefattar åsiktsfrihet samt frihet att ta emot och sprida uppgifter och tankar utan offentlig myndighets inblandning och oberoende av territoriella gränser."

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Pursue part and party and pleasure !

In the worthies of the world one cared much of the worldly wealth, desiring only to make both ends meet and so they think they succeeded for now it is again another timely year´s end. A year and a day, the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year - that limited space of time. However, the wheel of time with no beginning and no end is affected by its own direct influences. Bringing to an awareness that when the wheels within wheels begin to turn and efforts are made to have every talk and sentence reduced, there should be a way to end 2016 and begin 2017 expressing time as an indefinite continuous duration. In a way to have a good time in pursuit of pleasure in the sense of the satisfaction of desires which is the highest good and proper aim of human life. 

Always stay sober as a judge that on the bench sat
For when to gain great pleasure from the situation let
At midnight revels where the gossips always met 
Making which a theme for all eternal orgasmic chat
To be asked what form great KSP would next devise 
And how PHERO would again supervise
And who should ULHC again advise
Why to Just Play the Game always
and rise

Friday, December 16, 2016

Putting Grant(h) in motion 5 - Flow

Sikhsth fields: Basics 5


The action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream. To move or be conveyed as when knowledge moves or circulates smoothly with unbroken continuity. Taking it with the continuous current, to enjoy the forces of the mind for the faculties to soak up potential disturbances of acceleration and deceleration with the sensing of any strong, progressive movement comparable to the intention of moving along with the whole body in a game to go on with the flow.
  Go to  ➜

Monday, June 13, 2016

ChickenCurryAge - Campaign

- En hel eller del av en Grillad Kyckling
- En portion Nudlar (kyckling smak) 
- En matsked stek Olja eller en klick stek Fett
- En halv gul Lök - hackad
- En bit färsk Ingefära - skalad och hackad
- Några kvist färsk Koriander - hackad
- Några Cocktail Tomater - hela
- Salt
- Svart peppar (grov malet)
- Spis kummin (kryddpulver)
- Curry mix (kryddpulver)
- Vildtkrydderi (örtblandning)
Värm stek olja eller stek fett i en kastrull. 
Lägg i gul lök och bryn försiktigt till gyllenbrun.  
Kontrollera värmen så att inga ingredienser fastnar på kastrullbotten.
Tillsätt hackad ingefära och cocktail tomater. Rör om.
Plocka av en portion (ca 125 g) benfri kött från en grillad kyckling och stoppa ner det i kastrullen. Rör om
Lägg portionen nudlar och medföljande kryddblandning i köttgrytan.
Häll på 3 dl kokande vatten. 
Smaksätt med salt, kryddor och koriander.
Låt ChickenCurryAge stå, dra och mogna i några minuter. Rör om.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


I was unsuited to anything where I had to organise myself so I decided to organise my lessons in a planned way and even if I moved in the need to organise myself I would have to make arrangements for the social programmes to be organised by my school of learning and take responsibility for providing a simple but a nourishing meal and water pure enough for drinking in a systematic order to help all arrange the community we are living in to make a state form of every living being organised in its body efficient to arrange in a systematic way especially on a large scale to respect every right which is expected to belong to every person and regarded as shared by all humans to be based on common sense and if I get as far as this and can also provide lodging education and training to know more than what we already know somewhere between either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible as both the extremes of organised crime then I will know that I can take myself all the way.